dijous, 19 de novembre del 2015

GUY FAWKES presentations in Primary classes!

Last week, in our school, was
"the English week" 

Do you know who is Guy Fawkes? It's really well-known in England and now in some of Maristes Montserrat school classes as well! 

Thanks to our 1st of Batxillerat students that have prepared presentations about Guy Fawkes for 5th and 6th primary classes. 

You only have to watch the pictures to see how well-prepared everything was: costumes and crowns, kings and queens, priests and policemen everything was there! Batxillerat students have enjoyed it a lot and also primary students throwing paper balls to protestants or catholics, chasing Guy Fawkes for the class and dancing with a policemen. 

A BOMB has blown up today in Maristes, the one of JOY AND FUN with GUY FAWKES presentations!!!!!